Oddball Films and curator Kat Shuchter present
What the F(ilm)?! 7: All-American Cine-insanity from the Archive, an evening of some of the most bizarre, hilarious and insane films from our massive 16mm collection. This month we're featuring a cornucopia of insane-Americana with Di$ney war-propaganda, fire puppets, psychedelic animation, atomic scare films and even a naked marching band. Walt Di$ney and Donald Duck help out in the war effort in
The Spirit of '43 (1943), a bit of good old fashioned cartoon propaganda. Psychedelic animator Vince Collins produced the mind-bending animation
200 (1975) for the country's bicentennial, and it will still blow your eyeballs out today. Kinestatic collage documentarian, Chuck Braverman tells the story of America in 3 minutes utilizing 1300 still images in
American Time Capsule (1968). Woody Allen and Jonathan Winters chime in on the age old question
How Do They Make Hot Dog Buns? (1970) from
Hot Dog, a short-lived bizarro educational program. With two camptastic slices of American cheese, Jerry Fairbanks brings us patriotic talking animals with
Speaking of Animals - In Current Events (1940s) and a gorgeous technicolor road trip on a Greyhound Bus full of love with
America for Me (1952). Atomic scare film
Our Cities Must Fight (1951) wants you to stay in the city after the bomb drops; afterall, the nuclear fallout will dissipate in a couple of days. And since everybody loves a parade, we will be double-projecting the hilariously weird homoerotic short
Nude Marching Band (1970s) with
Parade, Parade (1973) the kitschy document of a small-town parade. Plus, stripping for Uncle Sam with The Pretty Priorities and their patriotic burlesque soundie
Take It Off (1942), a mini-tribute to the recently departed, the insane puppet anti-drug film
Deciso 3003 (1982) featuring double-headed horny puppets by Julie Taymor and narrated by the late great Eli Wallach, and even more insane surprises!

Date: Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 at 8:00pm
Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street San Francisco
Admission: $10.00 Limited Seating RSVP to RSVP@oddballfilm.com or (415) 558-8117
Web: http://oddballfilms.blogspot.com