Oddball Films presents Strange Sinema, a monthly screening of new finds, old gems and offbeat oddities from the archive. Drawing on his collection of over 50,000 16mm film prints, Oddball Films director Stephen Parr has compiled his 80th program of classic, strange, offbeat and unusual films. This installment, Strange Sinema: Trance Cinema is an exploration into the cinematic documentation of altered states. Drawing on rare
ethnographic and experimental acquisitions from the archives, this program
showcases powerful healing ceremonies, ceremonial dances and ritualized trance
states from around the world. Films include Anastenaria (1970), a rare documentation of surviving Dionastic
worship in Greece featuring ritualized slaughter and a breathtaking fire walking
ritual. Pomo Shaman (1964), in another rarely recorded ritual, Essie Parrish, a Southwestern Pomo Indian doctor
enters a trance and cures a patient with the aid of a spiritual instrument used
to suck out the patient’s illness. In another film, famed anthropologist Jon Marshall documents a all-night medicine dance in
the Kalahari Desert in N/um tchai: The Ceremonial Dance of the !Kung Bushmen
(1950s). Meshes
of the Afternoon (1943) is legendary filmmaker Maya Deren’s ground-breaking
experimental dream-like trance film. Buck
Dancer (1965) is acclaimed ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax’s mesmerizing musical artifact featuring Mississippi fife
player/buck dancer Ed Young. Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson’s famed estactic
iconographic study Trance and Dance in
Bali (1937-39)
filmed in the village of Pagoetan, records a performance
of the ceremonial Kris (dagger) dance-drama depicts the eternal struggle
between the witch (death) and the dragon (life-protecting force). Himalayan
Shaman of Northern Nepal (1966) is
John and Patricia Hitchcock’s examination of shamanism in the Himalayas
including possession and purification and Dream of the Wild Horses
(1962) is a cinematic poem utilizing slow motion and soft focus camera to evoke
the wild horses of the Camargue District of France, as they roam on the beach
running through walls of fire and water. Plus preshow trance patterns for early arrivals!

Date: Friday, September 19th, 2014 at 8:00PM.
Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street San Francisco
Admission: $10.00 Limited Seating RSVP to RSVP@oddballfilm.com or (415) 558-8117
Web: www.oddballfilms.blogspot.com