Oddball Films presents Sexperimental Cinema, an evening of 16mm films that blur the line between experimental film and erotica. From the sensuous to the bizarre, this program features avant-garde and experimental works as well as post-modern erotica, animation, art, documentary and more. Films include Orange (1971) experimental filmmaker Karen Johnson’s abstract and erotic short consisting of extreme close-up shots of an orange being peeled and eaten, Fuck Horray (1970) an anonymous highly-edited slice of subliminal sex, Peter Foldes' eye-popping rare animation Go Faster (1971) with a man who does everything in his car including his secretary, Lot in Sodom (1933), Watson and Webber’s landmark Pre-Code Sodom and Gomorrah story filled with sinewy and semi-clad bodies and delirious bacchanales devoted to physical pleasure (print provided by the Jenni Olson Queer Archive), experimental filmmaker Scott Bartlett’s lyrical and tactile flesh and fantasy film Lovemaking (1970), an excerpt from the groundbreaking Mondo Cane (1962) featuring famed artist Yves Klein utilizing naked Human Paintbrushes on a giant canvas, 7362 (1967), Pat O'Neill's breathtaking optically printed ode to the human form and the orgasmic motion of oil derricks, Relativity (1966), Ed Emshwiller's meditation on corporeality featuring interesting manipulations of the female form, and Constance Beeson's homoerotic cine-poem Stamen (1972). Is it smut or an art film? You decide.

Date: Friday, March 18th, 2016 at 8:00PM.
Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street, San Francisco
Admission: $10.00, Limited Seating, RSVP to: 415-558-8117 or RSVP@oddballfilm.com
Web: http://oddballfilms.blogspot.com/