Oddball Films presents Strange Sinema 58: Bizarre Cinema Histories, a monthly screening of new finds, old gems and offbeat oddities from Oddball Films’ collection of over 50,000 film prints. Tonight we present an offbeat look at the origins and bizarre expressions of cinema through historical inventions, experimental innovations and hand-made films throughout the ages. We start off with a fascinating documentary The Origins of the Motion Picture (1955) examining cinema history from Leonardo Da Vinci to Thomas Edison featuring oddities such as the Thaumatrope, the Phenakistiscope, Muybridge’s Zoopraxiscope and more. We follow with the early cinema experiments of Georges Méliès in excerpts from Baron Munchausen’s Hallucinations (1911) and pair of animated satires of Hollywood including Mickey’s Gala Premiere (1933) featuring M*ckey Mouse and a cast of show biz celebs viciously lampooned for our enjoyment, Daffy Duck Goes to Hollywood (1938) where our duckster makes movie mayhem by creating a masterpiece using stock footage only to enrage his boss! Witness Camera Magic (1943), a rare curio by notorious oddball photographer Arthur “Weegee” Felig demonstrating a variety of camera techniques used to produce special effects. Moving on to the 70s we take a cue from Stan Brakhage, Len Lye, and other avant-garde film makers in Michael and Mimi Warshaw’s How to Make a Movie Without a Camera (1972) and Yvonne Andersen’s Let’s Make a Film (1971), films which encourages kids to make beautiful movies by scratching and drawing directly on film and animating films using hinged cut-outs, clay, toys, painted film and live action. Another rare doc Richter on Film (1972) profiles Dadaist and abstract/avant garde filmmaker Hans Richter as he talks about his ground-breaking experimental films of the 1920's including excerpts from Rhythm 21 (1921), Race Symphony (1928), and Ghosts Before Breakfast (1927). Additional films include Mandatory Edits (1965), a wacko reel of sexually suggestive and violent censored film clips marked for the cutting room floor and saved by a film collector and Bombay Movies (1977), an inside look at the bizarre world of Bollywood films in the 1970s.
Plus! Rare avant garde shorts and excerpts featuring Lightplay: Black- White-Grey (excerpt) (1932) by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Site (1964) (excerpt) by Robert Morris & Stan Vanderbeek and Linoleum (1967) (excerpt) by Robert Rauschenberg
Date: Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 8:00pm
Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street San Francisco
Admission: $10.00 Limited Seating RSVP to programming@oddballfilm.com or (415) 558-8117