Date: Friday, July 19th, 2013 at 8:00PM.
Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street, San Francisco
Admission: $10.00, RSVP Only to: 415-558-8117 or programming@oddballfilm.com
Allegro Ma Troppo (Color, 1963) A Parisian evening, conveyed through imaginative cinematography of the life of Paris between 6PM and 6AM shot at two frames per second utilizing automatic cameras. From strippers to car crashes, Paul Roubaix’s Allegro Ma Troppo evokes the intensity and variety of nocturnal life in the City of Light through speeded-up action, freeze-frame, and virtuoso editing.
The Night Owls (B+W, 1930)
A Laurel and Hardy short from Hal Roach. In addition to Stan & Ollie cast as a couple of transients who spend their nights on park benches, there’s Edgar Kennedy as the cop on the beat! Kennedy is having trouble with the chief, and Stan & Ollie agree to become burglars to help him out. You can imagine... they’re a big help.

A Laurel and Hardy short from Hal Roach. In addition to Stan & Ollie cast as a couple of transients who spend their nights on park benches, there’s Edgar Kennedy as the cop on the beat! Kennedy is having trouble with the chief, and Stan & Ollie agree to become burglars to help him out. You can imagine... they’re a big help.
One of the favorite Oddball cartoons, this brilliant animation by Italy’s Bruno Bozzetto (of the cult favorite Mr. Rossi series) demands a re-screening. Opens with traditional comic strip-style animation until the factory-working family man goes to sleep and unleashes his subconscious thoughts, sending him into a battleground of situations. Utilizes a number of animation styles including optical printing and pop art imagery. Features a wild soundtrack by the ultra-lounge master Franco Godi…
The look at the hidden workdays of nocturnal workers would be fascinating on its own, but this narration-free film adds human-made sound effects! A chorus of youngsters bloop, swish, crunch and whirl along as postal workers, produce market jobbers, bakers and other moonlit tradesmen go about their workaday routines and share their thoughts on their topsy-turvy workaday nights.
In the Night Kitchen (Gene Dietch, Color, 1975)

From the influential Georges Melies comes the strange drunken adventure of the Baron. After feasting and drinking, Baron Munchausen is put to bed, and he begins to drift into dreamland-where he travels to distant lands and times-- including ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece, and is met with nightmarish creatures. This film makes excellent use of extravagant sets, props, and costumes while the mirror serves as the dream portal.
A sand animation film. The sandman goes to bed and drifts off to dreamland. Feel the bear fingers playing in the sand in this film by Academy Award winner and Sesame Street animator Eliot Noyes.

Noises In The Night (Color, 1969)
Beautiful and sweet animation from (UPA founder) Stephen Bosustow Productions. Little Sherri hears strange noises at bedtime and wakes up the entire household...night after night after night. Her parents attempt to persuade her that night noises are usually made by familiar things...or are they?