Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street San Francisco
Admission: $10.00 Limited Seating RSVP to or (415) 558-8117
The Bloxham Tapes (Color, 1978)
A fascinating British documentary focusing on the tape recordings of eminent hypnotherapist Arnall Bloxham who, over the course of more than 20 years, has hypnotized 400 people, recording what appear to be uncannily detailed descriptions of previous lives. The film considers the question of whether or not the Bloxham tapes can be taken as proof of reincarnation or the possibility of the hoax of implanted memories. The film features real participants and re-imagined reenactments of the detailed stories that come out of their sessions.
A surreal, Salvador Dali like film produced by the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company (Makers of such drugs as LSD) in Switzerland. “The World of the Schizophrenic” portrays one afternoon in the life of a hunky schizophrenic as he wanders about his bedroom and strolls outside hallucinating to the sounds of a Harry Partch-like avant garde sound score. Truly hallucinogenic in it’s depiction of the Schizophrenic state.

A Sid Davis classic that starts with a fatal crash, and then traces the tragic path that led a good boy to experiment with the latest thrill on the scene- LSD-25. Wild freak-out scenes and good kids pressured into drugs by misguided peers. Sid Davis was one of the founding fathers of the educational scare film, directing and producing hundreds; all for under $1000 a piece.
Cut-out animation by Norman McLaren, and music for saxophones and synthetic sound by Maurice Blackburn. In a dream-like, meditative and surreal landscape drawn in pastel, inanimate objects come to life to disport themselves in grave dances and playful ritual.

Fantasy (Color, 1976)
A hallucinatory handmade film from San Francisco animation legend Vince Collins evokes his particular brand of surrealist psychedelia.

For the Early Birds:
Psi: Boundaries of the Mind (Color, 1976)
This fairly campy mini doc explores the possibilities of a sixth sense through cheesy reenactments, interviews with proponents and critics, and actual footage of ESP experiments. Watch as they blindfold and wire up a woman to test her perceptibility.