Venue: Oddball Films, 275 Capp Street San Francisco
Admission: $10.00 Limited Seating RSVP to RSVP@oddballfilm.com or (415) 558-8117
Web: http://oddballfilms.blogspot.com/2013/12/learn-your-lessonabout-drinking.html
Route One (Color, 1976)
Alcohol Awareness film shows an 8th grade class all about booze and hangovers with help from a dog who got drunk at a wedding reception and is suffering a hangover, plus some twisted animation of alcohol in the bloodstream- portrayed by a Kaiser-helmeted jet-chopper riding biker.
Alcohol Awareness film shows an 8th grade class all about booze and hangovers with help from a dog who got drunk at a wedding reception and is suffering a hangover, plus some twisted animation of alcohol in the bloodstream- portrayed by a Kaiser-helmeted jet-chopper riding biker.

Begins with a dramatic beer-heist and drinking games but ends with young Tony's dependency on on alcohol. This quintessential classroom film hits all the right campy notes.
Hangover (Color, 1978)
This is no hilarious buddy comedy. Bill has a problem, a problem a lot of us are facing right now, he had too much fun last night, and now he’s got to face the day. Face the shakiness of his hands, face the “nag nag nag” of his wife, Bess, face the morning commute. And that’s just before he has to go operate heavy machinery at work. I hope it was worth it, Bill.
A great drunk driving shocker from Sid Davis Productions. Sid Davis films were famously funded by an initial $1000 donation by John Wayne. He went on to produce numerous classics of the educational scare film genre, priding himself by making each one for $1000- a miniscule amount even in its day.
Hilarious but ultimately (alas) sobering documentary on America’s favorite pastime- getting loaded. Narrated by Robert Mitchum (a rather legendary drinker himself), the film starts off on a merry-go-round filled with drunks, and then explores the history, the nightlife and the perils of Boozelandia.
Francesca, Baby (Color, 1976, excerpt)

Like the quietly devastating The Summer We Moved To Elm Street, this ABC Afterschool Special couches its message in domestic melodrama. Burdened with a tippling mother and a traveling father, poor Francesca must take on the role of materfamilias, and her social life crumbles under the burden of hiding her problems from schoolmates. Posterity has accorded this episode camp classic status, but we dare you to remain unaffected by the emotive force of its mise-en-scene. You'll need a drink after this one.
Kat Shuchter is a graduate of UC Berkeley in Film Studies. She is a filmmaker, artist and esoteric film hoarder. She has helped program shows at the PFA, The Nuart and Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theater and was crowned “Found Footage Queen” of Los Angeles, 2009.
About Oddball Films
Oddball films is the film component of Oddball Film+Video, a stock footage company providing offbeat and unusual film footage for feature films like Milk, documentaries like The Summer of Love, television programs like Mythbusters, clips for Boing Boing and web projects around the world.
Our films are almost exclusively drawn from our collection of over 50,000 16mm prints of animation, commercials, educational films, feature films, movie trailers, medical, industrial military, news out-takes and every genre in between. We’re actively working to present rarely screened genres of cinema as well as avant-garde and ethno-cultural documentaries, which expand the boundaries of cinema. Oddball Films is the largest film archive in Northern California and one of the most unusual private collections in the US. We invite you to join us in our weekly offerings of offbeat cinema.